Welcome to my online portfolio of webdesign samples, digital artworks, calendars, webzine covers and photos.
If you're Interested in commissioning me your graphic work, feel free to contact me.

I was born in 1983, in the north east of Italy.
My love for graphic arts starts when I was a child, became a real work only 3 years ago.
My artistic path begins in 2004, when I joined deviantART: a famous artistic online community. There, my artwork "Daphne" was awarded as daily image feature, chosen from many galleries around the web.
After my webdesign studies, I've discovered my love for CSS.
During my university period, I developed my photography skill, I love photography but it's only an hobby for now.
My Personal Works (made just for myself)
Worked also in:
:: Innovaction Fair - www.innovactionfair.com - HTML/CSS Development
:: Sorelle della Misericordia - www.istsorellemisericordia.it - HTML/CSS Development
:: MarinoFIRMANI - www.marinofirmani.it - Wordpress Template Edited (code and graphic)
:: Promove Srl - www.pmvpromove.it - Landing pages, graphic part optimization.
:: Cucine Cesar - www.cesar.it -
Graphic optimization
:: TransART -
www.arstranslimes.org -
Graphic optimization
:: Adriaship - www.adriaship.it - HTML/CSS Development
:: Alberto Hesse Trieste -
www.albertohesse.it - HTML/CSS internal pages Development
:: Mandamento FVG - [no url] - Graphic Design - HTML/CSS Development
:: SITIR (Software) - [no url] - HTML/CSS Development (Liferay) and Graphic Design
Digital Art
This is the galley of my digital artworks. My favourite tecnique is Painting and Airbrushing. Even if graphic tablet is a must for digital artists, I still use my good old friend: the mouse! :)
Fan arts
Even if I've studied a little bit of photograpy at university, as I said, is just an hobby.
Studio photos I propose here, were made with my 3.0 megapixel camera, stealing the living room's lamp for lights and with a black cloth as background! All this in 60cm of "vital space" in my bedroom! please appreciate the effort ;)
Here you can find some resources i made: textures and photoshop brushes.
You can download this resources, but cannot sell them. You can use them for illustrations, 3d, layouts, etc, but if you can, please remember to credit me. Use them, but don't steal them.
Actually resources are unavailable, please come back later.
I can offer you various services:
- Webdesign / Web building: I can create your personal website. My favorite style is css/html, but I have flash knowledge too.
- CD Covers: I can create a cd cover for you or your group / band
- Illustrations: fantasy, sci-fi, dark and macabre are my favourite kind of illustrations, but I can create whatever illustration you need.
- WoW-Toons: I paint your World of Warcraft Character
- Textures creations: Looking for particular textures or patterns? I’m the right one to ask!
- Myspace Templates: I can make your MySpace to look exactly like a webpage! And customize it in any way you like.
- Feel free to contact me if you are interested in any of this services :)